Category Archives: Flower of the Month

August Flower of the Month – Gladiolus

What’s in a Name:  The genus Gladiolus comes from Latin word “gladius” meaning sword, for the plant’s sword-shaped leaves. Some myths say the flower sprang forth where ever there was bloodshed during battles of Roman Gladiators. A more charming story attributes the name to a Prince named Lolus who rescued and fell in love with […]

March Flower of the Month – Narcissus (aka Daffodil, Jonquil)

What’s in a Name: The genus name Narcissus is thought to be derived from the Greek Narkissos, meaning sleep or numbness. History: The Greek Myth of Narcissus and Echo details the often drooping appearance of Narcissus blooms. Narcissus had an unrequited love for Echo and hid in a cave to escape his sorrow. Often, he […]