Organic Fertilizers

espoma bagged productsIt’s back to nature! The Salt Box Nursery has a great selection of natural and organic gardening supplies. Let us introduce you to natural alternatives to fertilizers and insecticides, from organic plant food made from kelp to DEET-free insect repellants made from botanicals like the pyrethrins produced by chrysanthemums. We carry top brands including Espoma and Bonide – Great for garden plants, trees, shrubs, and your flower garden. And we also have repellants for organic gardening especially for fruits and vegetable.

Check out our composters and rain barrels, and eco-friendly plant containers and pottery, along with specialty tools like composting aerators to help you go really green. Our staff of horticulturists and landscapers can also advise you on green techniques like drip irrigations and fertilization systems.


You can control weeds with organic herbicides and fungicides, and other organic gardening supplies that are healthier for your plants, your soil, and you.

Our garden supply center has organic weed control products from premium suppliers including Espoma in liquid, spray and granular form. They are made from weak natural organic acids and lemon, clove oil and other people- and pet-friendly ingredients. Fatty acid weed killers dissolve cell membranes, dehydrating the weed. Acetic acid weed killers affect weeds’ roots and produce quick results. These weak acids break down in a few days, so they have no lasting impact on worms and other soil life.

Organic weed killers and herbicides can knock out dandelion, foxtail, poison hemlock, ragweed, Canadian thistle, clover, milkweed, ivy leaf, pigwood, nettles, buttercups, quack grass, mosses, liverwort and other plant pests. And we have the gardening tools that will make it much easier to take care of your garden and lawn by hand weeding. Garden forks, spades, push-pull hoes, and flame weeders.

The best form of organic weed control is prevention. Rich organic soil you can create with home composting keeps your plants healthy so weeds don’t get started. We have organic mulch, and mulchers and shredders to make mulch and ground cover that keep weeds from growing. Organic germination inhibitors can stop weeds from propagating. Talk to our staff about effective methods of stopping their growing cycle, and organic gardening techniques.


Control pests in your garden the natural way. Organic gardening and natural pest control go hand in hand. Select from a range of sprays or granular natural pest controls from leading producers such as Espoma and Bonide. Our organic repellants, made from essential oils and other natural pesticides can controls aphids, leafhoppers, Japanese beetles, mealy bugs, scale, and other garden pests. Our organic repellants are derived from natural substances, are not toxic to humans and pets, unlike chemical pest controls, and break down quickly in the environment into harmless, natural substances. Whether your garden is plagued by insects, deer, rodents, or even dogs and cats, we have a wide selection of organic solutions that work quickly and safely!

Plant your garden with herbs and garden plants that act as natural deterrents to garden pests, protecting your organic vegetables and flowers. We’ve got them, along with quality seeds from names like Jonathan Green Grass Seed – whose products are also ideal, for grass and lawn maintenance. Talk to our friendly horticulturists about natural pest control solutions for your yard or flower garden. They can explain how the right selection of plants can attract birds, beneficial insects and other animals that will keep garden pests at bay, while establishing your organic garden as a vibrant ecosystem of its own!