Lawn Seed & Fertilizer


At Salt Box Nursery we are your one stop shop for your grass seeding and lawn care needs. A lush lawn adds beauty and value to homes, and gives families a carpet to enjoy the outdoors on. A beautiful lawn is also something many homeowners spend hours trying to achieve, but often still have brown patches, weeds, or other lawn problems. We can design a lawn seeding and lawn care program featuring Jonathan Green seeds and lawn care products that can create a yard full of thick, healthy grass.

jonathangreen1A good lawn starts with a high quality lawn seed. We carry only Jonathan Green seeds, because we find they have the highest quality and best grass seed mixtures. This is not your father’s lawn grass. Over the past 25 years major advances in turf grass breeding have improved grass seed varieties, making them more resistant to drought, weeds, and insect pests. You can also select the grass seed mix that’s best for your soil and light conditions, including Full Sun Grass Seed, Sun and Shade, Shady Nooks, Black Beauty Ultra and Fall Magic. We also have contractors’ mix for landscapers in 50-pound sacks. We have lawn seed mixtures with endophytes, beneficial microorganisms that reside in grass roots and produce defensive chemicals that protect grass from harmful insects and fungus. And these seeding mixtures produce naturally dark green grass. That means you will need less chemical pest controls and lawn fertilizer for your yard, saving you time and money.

That’s why homeowners come to The Salt Box Nursery for grass seed and all their lawn care needs.



Grow lush, healthy lawns with a professional lawn care program you can do yourself! The Salt Box Nursery has all the best products for all your lawn fertilizer and lawn care needs. Our grass seeding and lawn seed mixtures, featuring Jonathan Green products, along with our MNLA Turf Organic lawn food products, get lawns off to a great start, and our lawn care products ensure you have a thick carpet of grass in your yard all season long.

Our seasonal program is designed to work with tough New England soils, minimizing the need for ph adjustments and other lawn feeding hassles. We have a full range of ecologically friendly lawn care products including organic fertilizers that control fungus, weeds and lawn pests. Part of the secret of great lawns—and great, easy lawn fertilizing and maintenance programs—is timing. That’s why our seasonal program is so simple and effective. You’ll know exactly when to apply each product. Our spring wake-up fertilizers prepare dormant grass for the coming season. Summer applications help lawns withstand the stress of long, hot days. And late season applications help develop the roots that will sustain your lawn grass through the winter. These lawn care products and applications will also deter the pests that attack your lawn, from crab grass and more than 50 common weeds, to grubs, cinch bugs and other insects. We take the guesswork out of beautiful, healthy lawns.